Trademark infringement occurs when one business uses a logo or corporate identifier that the public is likely to confuse with another. Such usage can be damaging to a commercial entity's reputation, as well as its bottom line. Good business sense requires litigating...
Month: December 2023
Pursuing your legal copyright claim
It is much more than frustrating when someone uses your creative work without permission. It can result in lost sales, profits, licensing revenue and other monetary damages. The potential impacts make it essential to protect your rights. Pursuing a legal copyright...
Aviation bill receives bipartisan support in the House
In 2023, the U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act. If passed into law, this bill would reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration for the next five...
3 reasons business partners may end up fighting in court
People who start a business together as partners generally share the same priorities. They want to develop a specific type of company and make it as profitable as possible. They will typically agree to a specific division of financial and practical responsibilities...