Non-compete agreements prevent employees from working for competitors or starting similar businesses for a set period after leaving a company. These contracts protect businesses from losing trade secrets, client relationships, and market advantages. Violating a...
Business Litigation
Using litigation to enforce non-disclosure agreements
There are many types of contracts businesses may execute that include non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements. Frequently, businesses add restrictive covenants to employment contracts to prevent workers from putting the company at a disadvantage later....
How can companies manage mass tort legal risks effectively?
Mass tort claims can pose significant challenges for businesses. These claims involve multiple plaintiffs seeking damages for similar injuries caused by a single product or action. Understanding the legal landscape of mass torts can help businesses navigate these...
Best practices to resolve business deadlocks without litigation
Deadlocks in closely held corporations can create significant challenges. This process is especially difficult when key stakeholders disagree on critical decisions. While litigation is one way to resolve these disputes, it can be costly and time-consuming. However,...
How can businesses reduce litigation risks from cyber incidents?
Data breaches and cybersecurity incidents are major threats to businesses today. These events can cause financial loss, reputational damage, and legal consequences. Companies must take proactive measures to manage litigation risks associated with these threats. Use...
What does it mean to breach a fiduciary duty?
A fiduciary duty is a legal requirement that compels one party to act in the best interests of another party. This duty arises in various relationships, such as between trustees and beneficiaries, corporate directors and shareholders and business partners. Breaching...
5 signs you should consider dissolving a business partnership
People form business partnerships with the hopes of achieving common goals and shared success. However, not all partnerships stand the test of time. According to the Harvard Business Review, 28 million people dissolved business partnerships in 2020. There are...
3 reasons business partners may end up fighting in court
People who start a business together as partners generally share the same priorities. They want to develop a specific type of company and make it as profitable as possible. They will typically agree to a specific division of financial and practical responsibilities...
How can you avoid a business dispute with your partner?
Most people enter business partnerships with high hopes and ambitions. Unfortunately, collaborating with another person does not always go according to plan. Maintaining a healthy relationship with your business partner requires you to utilize various strategies to...
Shareholder motivations for taking legal action against a company
Shareholders who have invested in a business have a financial interest in seeing it succeed. Their chance of receiving dividends or making a profit when they resell their stock depends on the company's performance. In general, shareholders take steps that they believe...